Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Circle of life

It's hot here. It's humid here. The A/C in our office isn't working. My apartment is a sauna. (Whine, whine, whine...)

The audit is finally done, and I'm getting ready to move on to other projects at work - the biggest being preparing as much material as I can for my boss and my future replacement.

I gave notice at my apartment this morning, and am going to Kingston this weekend to look for a place to live.

I've received information from Queen's about paying my fees, and expect information from the theological college either this week or next. I'm sending an appeal letter today to beg the government to lend me money that I will take years to pay back. I'm looking to find other scholarship/bursary money somehow. (I'm trying not to get stressed about finances. I know I will find a way to pay for my schooling and live in Kingston. The reality that I will soon be unemployed and have two months to save as much money as possible is sinking in - but I'm trying not to get stressed! Honest!)

Things are moving in my little world, and in the world around me. Life goes on, no matter how hot it is or how stressed about money I'm trying not to be or how long it took to get the audit done...

Everyone is facing their own joys and sorrows.

My sister is in labour as I type! My niece-phew should be arriving today! Exciting, exciting, exciting! I'm saying all sorts of prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy baby.

My neighbour passed away this weekend. His father found him Sunday night. He was not very old - probably mid-to-late 30s. He was a weight-lifter, and had just qualified for the nationals in next year's Special Olympics. He was a nice, friendly guy, and I'll miss him as my neighbour. My heart and prayers go out to his family.

The Circle of Life is going on around me, in God's own time. The season has changed from spring to summer. In a few short days, someone I know has died and someone I know is about to bring someone new into the world. Things are picking up speed as I get ready to move and begin a new chapter in my life.

Sometimes it's hard to remember to slow down, breathe, pray - but during these times, that's what I really need to do.


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