Saturday, July 23, 2005


These are some courageous women.

Michele Birch-Conery is one of eight women from North America heading to Ontario this weekend to prepare for a special ordination ceremony on the waters of the St. Lawrence River -- one that will consequently draw attention to the Catholic church's policy against women priests.

Birch-Conery says she expects to be threatened with excommunication and that she doesn't expect to be invited to preach sermons at any local churches. But she's vowing to press on with the service in the name of human rights.
"It's time for this to happen. The time is now. We can't wait on it any longer," she says.

Father Glenn Dion of Vancouver's Holy Rosary Cathedral says the church has nothing against women. But he supports the Catholic tradition of reserving the holy pulpit for males only, and refuses to recognize the upcoming service.

I'm part of a church that supports women in ordered ministry, and I'm not well-versed in Roman Catholic polity. I don't feel qualified to offer commentary on this issue without giving it more research and thought. However, I want to honour these women and offer them my support and my prayers.

The idea of being unrecognized by and kicked out of my faith community because I feel a sense of call makes me very sad. I admire these women for the risks they are taking to follow their hearts and serve God.


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